Telehealth Visits

We bring the doctor to you

Whether on vacation, at college, or unable to travel, Einstein Pediatrics is committed to making sure you have access to care.  Set up an appointment like you would for an in person visit but notify our staff that you would like it to be a telehealth visit.  Log onto your computer at the appointment time using the link on our webpage and wait in our virtual waiting room until the doctor logs on!

Visits are billed just like an in person visit.  If you normally have a copay or deductible, they will apply the same way on a telehealth visit.  

What types of problems are appropriate for telehealth

Approriate medical issues that work well for telehealth visits include:

  • Pink Eye
  • Rashes
  • ADHD
  • Behavioral problems
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Developmental concerns